elizabeth sipps
fine art photography


About the artist...

What is art if not expressed and shared with others? What is music, or drama, or poetry, without an audience; a song that no one hears, a starring role unattested, a sonnet buried in a pile of random notes? For that matter who would want to write a blog that no one reads? A personal journal has its place, but its contents are meant only for the poor author who wrote it, attempting to divest and purge their wretched soul of troubling thoughts or memories. I mean, who wants to read stories of dark tribulation and manifestations of human tragedy, stories of childhood trauma and domestic disputes, or slushy sentimental stories about human desire and unrequited love? I seem to have ventured off topic.

This website is my attempt at making contact with the world, at sharing some things. Images and words, ideas and visions, a few ramblings, some fragments and slices and bits, details, shadows and real things. All of the photos on these pages were taken because I wanted to take them. Some of them were taken during the happiest times in life and some during the most tragic. I hope you’ll visit often. Please feel free to offer comments, critiques or insights. And thanks for stopping by. : )

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